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The politics of Sickle Cell Disease: improving access and outcomes
Claudine Matthews | First published on BDA – The Association of UK Dietitians website | 7 Mar. 2024
Nutrition in sickle cell disease (SCD) is a neglected part of standard care provision in the UK, resulting in huge variations in nutrition service provision available to patients living with SCD.1 The current nutrition landscape in SCD remains underdeveloped and is defined by poor knowledge and awareness of nutrition, limited resources and poor nutrition serviceprovision2 requiring policy and practice change.3
The lack of nutrition service provision in SCD drives this health inequality, which affects sickle cell patients’ experience, access and outcomes as they are left to self-research, self-diagnose and self-manage their often complex nutritional needs, thereby increasing their risk of late diagnosis of nutritional problems.1 The reduction of health inequalities is a high priority on the health and political agenda in the UK and presents an ideal opportunity to call for nutrition to be placed on the Sickle Cell and Thalassemia All-Party Parliamentary Group (SCT APPG) meeting agenda for open discussion – this took place at the Houses of Parliament on 11 December last year… [continue here]
Co-developing a Health Literacy Framework to integrate Nutrition into Standard Care Provision in Sickle Cell Disease. (Doctoral Thesis)